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Kids Acrobatics Classes

Acrobatics Classes


Is your child interested in acrobatics? Great! At LA Talent we offer leading acrobatics classes and lessons in Sydney.


Acrobatics Classes In Sydney

Acrobatics is a combination of dance and gymnastics elements. You will learn to leap, tumble, flip, roll and all sorts of fun things. If you enjoy trying new things and would like to gain more balance and co-ordination this is the class for you! Classes are taught by qualified acrobatics teachers and will conduct fun, safe classes for all.

Gymnastic-based tricks are performed through acrobatics, which utilises strength and flexibility. Students in this class practice conditioning exercises before they progress to more difficult acrobatics. They learn flexibility, balance, strength, and coordination.

The fusion of classical dance techniques with the precision and athleticism of acrobatic elements is Acrobatic Dance, or “Acro” as it is commonly termed by dancers and professionals. Acrobats are defined by their unique choreography that blends acrobatic movements with emotional expression, line and extension.

Acrobatics focuses on the five elements of Acro Dance. These elements are flexibility, strength, balancing, limbering and tumbling. The program is very strength and conditioning oriented, building up the dancers strength to perform the more difficult stunts. Our program is highly tiered, and students start with basic stunts and then progress upwards.

Modern acro is based upon a theatrical entertainment style that emerged in the 1900s. Termed Vaudeville, it faded over time but the principles lead to the modern acrobatics dance we know and love today.


Is Acrobatics Right For Your Child?

The flexibility and balance of dancers are also vastly improved as they become stronger. You’ll be less likely to trip and fall, resulting in fewer injuries. This will also benefit younger dancers, as they will be able to build whole body strength.  The concept of a balanced lifestyle is instilled in young dancers due to this, and it has appeal for all age groups.

Acrobatics is a great way to express yourself, gain self-confidence, and learn social skills. Acro is a team effort and great performances are built from a strong team. LA Talent is focused on this and introduces team-building exercises into our class structure, allowing our performers to build social skills and form a genuine team bond.

The sense of achievement in acrobatics is high. As the student progresses, they will be able to master more tricks and learn more advanced routines. They can then show these skills to families and friends. A sense of achievement is key in developing self-esteem. As a result, acrobatics is great way to nurture self love, confidence and growth within young performers. They will truly be able to see the fruits of their handwork and dedication.

Acrobatics is the perfect choice for parents who wish to foster a sense of hard work and discipline within their children. Tricks take time, effort and strength and conditioning to learn and perform. Acrobats have to learn the strength and conditioning needed to be able to perform tricks without injury, and then have to learn the tricks themselves. This takes hard work, practice and discipline. Acrobatics instills the values of hard work and dedication from a young age. These skills will benefit the young performer throughout their adult life.

There are many tricks and routines for students to learn and they will never stop growing within the field of acrobatics. We offer a wide range of classes to cater for this continued growth. Our teachers offer some of the best industry knowledge and will foster the development of your child, allowing them to become their best. Our classes are full of energy and fun, and your child will absolutely love coming to class.


What Will Your Child Learn Performing Acrobatics?

Our acrobatics program begins with the basics, and students will start by learning basic tumbles and strength and conditioning. Our classes have a holistic approach to acrobatics, and our acrobats will be taught how to improve on all five of the elements to ensure their best progression.

As they become familiar with the skills, they will be challenged and taught more difficult skills and routines. We keep our classes small to ensure each acrobat is taught in line with their ability, and their growth is truly fostered.

Acrobats will learn how to improve their flexibility, improve their strength, exercises to improve coordination and balance and will learn how to utilise the mind-body connection. These skills are lifelong and will aid in their future endeavours.

Acrobatics will also provide a solid foundation that will improve performers’ skills in other styles of performing arts. The improved flexibility and coordination makes it the perfect combination to other styles like jazz and ballet.


Why Choose LA Talent?

LA Talent have engaged, inspired and educated tens of thousands of dancers worldwide, helping them realise their dance dreams. Students often go on to become leading performers in major stage productions, dance companies, and theatre companies. Founded in 1971 by acclaimed dancer Liliana Maddams, LA Talent has spent years fostering creativity and inspiring children to pursue dance.

The Queensland Ballet Company was where Liliana Maddams began her dance career as a teenager. In addition to her dance qualifications, which included many examinations with honours from the British Ballet Organisation, Royal Academy of Dance, and Society of Australian Teachers of Dance in Ballet, Tap and Jazz, she used her experience as a celebrated dance teacher to inspire thousands of students over 25 years. Although Liliana no longer teaches dance, she oversees LA Talent. We bring together world-class, passionate dance teachers and allow them the creative freedom to inspire your kids.

Our acrobatics classes are lots of fun and will ensure your child grows with every class. Our teachers have a wealth of professional expertise and a genuine passion for helping young performers grow. Our classes will ensure your child develops the strength, conditioning and flexibility in order to perform routines and new skills without injury. Our classes will also aid in developing balance and coordination, which is a lifelong skillset that will help them achieve in other endeavours.

For more information, contact us below. Our friendly staff are happy to provide additional information about our acrobatics program and our classes today.


Contact Us

Is your child interested in actobatics? Great! We are located at:

Unit D10 27-29 Fariola Street,
Silverwater NSW 2128

For more information, you can contact our friendly staff below:

Mobile: 0419 265 246
Phone: (02) 9744 9743

Classes are payable weekly.