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Kids Dance Classes

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Kids Dance Classes Sydney

Kids Dance Classes

Kids Dance Classes

Is your child interested in dance? Great! At LA Talent we offer leading kids dance classes and lessons in Sydney.


Kids Dance Classes In Sydney

Dancing is a performing art that is styled in movement. It is all about moving the body in a series of sequences to express and idea or emotion. These sequences can be choreographed or improvised, and often bring a reaction from the audience. Dancing is often beautiful and symbolic, and performances leave audiences moved.

Dance is great for relieving stress and for expressing oneself. Dancing combines technique with creative expression. It is challenging, beautiful, dynamic and rewarding. Dancing is the perfect hobby for children who are looking to improve their physical fitness and express themselves creatively.


Is Dance Right For Your Child?

As children grow into adults, a love of dance can motivate them to keep active. Dance is a great form of exercise. Taking dance classes can help your child improve his or her flexibility, range of motion, physical strength, and endurance. Dancing is a great form of exercise for kids and gets the heart pumping whilst they are having fun. It’s key to helping them get the recommended minimum of 60 active minutes a day.

The joy of dancing gives your child a way to express themselves in both a physical and mental way. An outlet such as this facilitates a healthy emotional and physical release that is conducive to development. Children’s self-esteem and confidence will greatly increase by allowing them to express themselves in a safe environment. Learning new skills and the sense of achievement that comes with also encourages a growth in self-esteem. Dancing is perfect for confidence building.

Dance is an activity that fosters social interaction. Dance classes help children develop teamwork skills, develop a sense of trust and cooperation, and make new friends. The children spend each class interacting with other dancers, and often develop close friendships. Dancing is all about team work and our classes have team-building exercises included within them in order to foster this.

Dance is the best performing art style for energetic kids who need a creative outlet. We offer many different styles of dance at LA Talent, so there is bound to be a style that suits your child. Contact us below for any additional information.


What Kids Dance Classes Do We Offer?

At LA Talent, we offer a variety of dance classes in Sydney. We offer:

Acrobatics – Combines the five elements of Acro Dance and allows your child to develop practical skills and techniques. They will learn how to tumble, spin and flip. This class also teaches valuable strength and conditioning and flexibility, which can aid them in many of their performing art pursuits.

Ballet – A traditional style of dance that is highly technical and graceful. Ballet teaches the basics of dance, timing and rhythm and is a disciplined style of dance. Dancers get a sense of achievement from learning new skills and the correct technique. This style of dance is perfect for beginners who want to learn the more technical side of dancing.

Contemporary – Graceful and fun, this style of dance is more free-flowing than ballet. Often performed in bare feet, it is all about floor work and using gravity to create flowing movement. Contemporary is a modern style of dance that can utilise many different styles of music. It is a great choice for young performers who want to less structure than traditional ballet.

Hip Hop – Empowering, strong and all about hitting the beat, hip hop is an energetic style of dance that will get the heart racing. We teach the three basic aspects of hip hop; popping, locking and breaking. Your child will love throwing power behind every move and will enjoy the fast-paced, upbeat nature of this dance style. This is perfect for dancers looking to do something a little bit different, or who want lots of improvisation and freestyle opportunities in a fun environment.

Jazz – Modern dance that is fun and energetic. This type of dance gets the blood pumping. It follows the popular songs and dance trends of the time. In this class, we will explore some old time favourites from the 50s-80s as well as modern music. This class is a lot of fun, and is perfect for dancers looking to burn some energy and have some fun.

Tap Our loudest class where your feet becomes the instrument. Tap is all about doing footwork to the rhythm of the beat. This class teaches balance, coordination and is a great leg workout. It has a lot of improvisation in it – a perfect choice for young creatives.

It doesn’t matter how much experience your child has. It also doesn’t matter if they want to dance for fun or if they are looking to compete or have a future in dance. No matter what your child’s needs are, we have a class for them. Our teachers are genuinely passionate about what they do, and your child will love coming to class every single week.


Why Dance With LA Talent?

LA Talent have engaged, inspired and educated tens of thousands of dancers worldwide, helping them realise their dance dreams. Students often go on to become leading performers in major stage productions, dance companies, and theatre companies. Founded in 1971 by acclaimed dancer Liliana Maddams, LA Talent has spent years fostering creativity and inspiring children to pursue dance.

The Queensland Ballet Company was where Liliana Maddams began her dance career as a teenager. In addition to her dance qualifications, which included many examinations with honours from the British Ballet Organisation, Royal Academy of Dance, and Society of Australian Teachers of Dance in Ballet, Tap and Jazz, she used her experience as a celebrated dance teacher to inspire thousands of students over 25 years. Although Liliana no longer teaches dance, she oversees LA Talent. We bring together world-class, passionate dance teachers and allow them the creative freedom to inspire your kids.


Contact Us

Is your child interested in Dance? Great! We are located at:

Unit D10 27-29 Fariola Street,
Silverwater NSW 2128

For more information, you can contact our friendly staff below:

Mobile: 0419 265 246
Phone: (02) 9744 9743

Classes are payable weekly.